Get involved with fundraising

Getting Started

So, you’ve decided to get together with friends, family, your school or colleagues to raise funds for the shelter, but don’t know where to start? Here’s our quick guide… ​

Step 1

Brainstorm ideas & pick a fundraiser! Here are a few to get you started...

Step 2

Set a target and choose a fundraising platform

Decide how much money you want to raise, so you have a goal. Set up a JustGiving, GoFundMe or VirginGiving page. All these platforms are simple to use and will allow you to promote your event and accept donations. You can select to either send donations directly to CENS or to your account. To find out how, click on the links above.

Step 3

Shout about it!

Start telling all your friends, family and colleagues about your event. Share on all your social media platforms. Create a Facebook event. Send a press release via email. Tell the local press. Put up posters. Speak to local organisations and collaborate.

Step 4

Once you have held your fundraiser, you can donate the money raised in a number of ways. If you have elected for the platform to send the funds directly to us, then it is simple. Otherwise you can transfer the money from your bank account through the DONATE page on our website.
Alternatively, you can pop a cheque in the post, but make sure you include information on the donations so we can identify who the money is from. You can also make a bank transfer from your account, or just give us a call and make a payment over the phone.​

Don’t forget to tell us all about your event, so we can help you promote it and give you a shout-out on all our platforms.

Fundraising tips

We are so grateful to all our supporters who have come up with so many amazing fundraising ideas. Here are some tips we have picked up along the way…

Fundraise as a team

It can be so much more rewarding and fun if you form a group with friends, family or colleagues.

Match funding

Many people find that their employers will match any funding raised.


Tell local media what you’re up to. You might get your name in the paper! 

Remind people

Just a friendly nudge is all it takes. Many people will sponsor you right at the end of your fundraising event.

Ask the 5 W's

What are you going to do? Where will it take place? When will you do it? Who will support you or join you? Why are you doing it?

Say thanks

Make sure you thank people – it really makes a difference. To everyone who helps AND everyone who donates. 

Have fun

Fundraising is a great way to enjoy yourself, discover new talents and get together with friends,  as well as making new ones.

CENS Essential Shopping List

  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Sugar
  • Hot chocolate
  • UHT milk
  • Squash
  • Vgetable oil
  • Gravy granules
  • Ketchup
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt & pepper
  • Stock cubes
  • Herbs and spices
  • Tinned fruit
  • Tinned/packet custard
  • Baked beans
  • Tinned tuna
  • Tinned vegetables & potatoes
  • Tinned tomatoes
  • Kidney beans
  • Breakfast cereals
  • Jam, peanut butter, chocolate spread
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Men & women’s deodorant
  • Men’s razors
  • Shave gel
  • Shower gel
  • Toothpaste
  • Cloths
  • Scourers
  • Washing up liquid
  • Surface cleaners
  • Floor cleaner
  • Bleach
  • Bathroom cleaners
  • Bin bags
  • Food caddy liners
  • Loo roll
  • Washing tablets
  • AA batteries
  • NEW single duvets
  • Pillows/pillowcases
  • Single duvet covers/sheets
  • Clean/good condition towels

Please no soups!
Thank you