What’s Cooking

Pete’s Eats – March

This month, Pete needs all his powers of invention to rustle up a hot meal for the CENS residents.

Fareshare sprang a surprise on us this week, delivering packs of lambs hearts and livers, alongside several kilos of potatoes and carrots, loads of mushrooms and some rather nice pork loin joints.

The pork was put aside for Sunday lunch whilst I scratched my head about the lamb bits and bobs. I am vaguely aware that lamb’s liver is often available in fancy dan restaurants but I hadn’t actually eaten anything like that myself for about 40 years.

All In A Stew

Luckily Julie swept in from the office and said “Lamb Hot Pot” and a quick check with Mr. Google confirmed that we had all the ingredients and were good to go –  although it’s important not to call it Lancashire Hot Pot apparently. You can only do that if you live somewhere near Coronation Street.

Worth The Wait

It turned out to be pretty straightforward. The hearts have to be trimmed to remove the fat and what us chefs call the ‘stringy bits’, then fried off with a few onions. I added some nice herby stock, allowed it to thicken a bit, before adding some par-boiled carrots and potatoes. 

Bung it all in the slow cooker and 5 hours later we had a rich and tasty stew for 12 residents.

If it goes down well, it may well become a regular fixture at Pete’s Eats…..

CENS Essential Shopping List

  • Tea
  • Coffee
  • Sugar
  • Hot chocolate
  • UHT milk
  • Squash
  • Vgetable oil
  • Gravy granules
  • Ketchup
  • Mayonnaise
  • Salt & pepper
  • Stock cubes
  • Herbs and spices
  • Tinned fruit
  • Tinned/packet custard
  • Baked beans
  • Tinned tuna
  • Tinned vegetables & potatoes
  • Tinned tomatoes
  • Kidney beans
  • Breakfast cereals
  • Jam, peanut butter, chocolate spread
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Men & women’s deodorant
  • Men’s razors
  • Shave gel
  • Shower gel
  • Toothpaste
  • Cloths
  • Scourers
  • Washing up liquid
  • Surface cleaners
  • Floor cleaner
  • Bleach
  • Bathroom cleaners
  • Bin bags
  • Food caddy liners
  • Loo roll
  • Washing tablets
  • AA batteries
  • NEW single duvets
  • Pillows/pillowcases
  • Single duvet covers/sheets
  • Clean/good condition towels

Please no soups!
Thank you